2023 Priority Accomplishments
Initiated a housing condition study - In September, Newport News hired Urban Partners (in collaboration with Stromberg/Garrigan & Associates) to perform a housing study. The housing study will address:
What are the city’s current and 10-year housing needs?
Are there sufficient quantities of housing types that can support employers in attracting and recruiting highly qualified talent?
What are the market and fiscal implications for increasing employees telecommuting?
Does the city have the right balance between owner-occupied and rental housing?
Are there sufficient quantities of housing types that can accommodate seniors?
Initiated a Homeless Forum - In August, the city hosted a conversation on the state of homelessness. The purpose of this event was:
To provide the community with information on the state of homelessness within the city and region;
To respond to the community’s questions and concerns about homelessness in NN;
Ascertain Citizens’ suggestions on how to address homelessness in NN
Follow-ons from this conversation:
Participate in a regional homeless study
Host a series of targeted focus groups
Create a city website - https://www.nnva.gov/2811/Services-for-the-Homeless
Initiated a change to Parking Minimums - In August, the City Council changed zoning in C3 Regional Business Districts to eliminate off-street residential parking. Downtown is Zoning C3. This is the first step in reinvigorating housing in downtown NN.
Pushed City Staff to prioritize installing cameras in Aqueduct Apartment Complex (Public Housing) - in July, cameras were installed to deter crime and assist the police department in crime investigation. Since the installation, the police have witnessed a substantial decrease in violent crime.