2024 Priority Accomplishments 

  • Re-started the Summer Training Enrichment Program (STEP) now called Youth Career Program. This program equips young people ages 16-24 with essential workplace skills and fosters social, civic, and leadership growth.

  • Started a pilot program for the homeless population - Chance to Shine. This new program focuses on providing entry-level labor positions within various City departments as means for employment stability for patrons of Four Oaks Day Center. The focus on fighting homelessness is attributed to the Homeless Forum held in August 2023.

  • Initiated a Virginia Building Code Technical Review for family day homes. This resulted in allowing family day homes to remain as a residential property to provide childcare services for more than 5 children. Previously, family day homes providers were required to change their residence into a commercial building, thus preventing the establishments of family day home providers in Newport News and across the state of Virginia. A family day home is a childcare business located within a person primary residence that offers care for 5-12 children. Starting a Family Day Home in Newport News is now an option for inspiring childcare business owner.